1  Installing spant

spant is distributed as a software package for the R programming language. Complete the following steps to install spant on your system.

1.1 Step 1 - install R

R software and installation files for Windows, macOS and Linux are made available by a generous team of contributors.

Installation instructions and files for R are available from : https://cloud.r-project.org/

1.2 Step 2 - install RStudio

RStudio is not strictly necessary to use spant, but is strongly recommended if you are a beginner to R, or want to follow along with example in this book. Installation instructions and files for RSudio are available from : https://posit.co/download/rstudio-desktop/

1.3 Step 3 - install spant

Once RStudio is installed and running you will be presented with something similar to the following window.

RStudio To install spant, locate the console panel (either the left or lower left panel by default) and enter the following command at the prompt:

install.packages("spant", dependencies = TRUE)

(as shown in the above image) and press return. Once this process has completed, spant is installed on your system and ready for use. If you ever want to update spant to the most recent version, simply repeat the above command.